Let’s talk about comparison. Comparing ourselves to other people is something we all do. Don’t say you don’t do it, because you know deep down that you do. It’s literally a human nature and without it we seriously wouldn’t be the people we are (I’ll get into that later on)

Just before writing this up, I found myself comparing myself to other people. Don’t get me wrong, I love my life and I would not trade mine for anyone else’s. However, I can’t help but get waves of emotions where I get impatient and find myself comparing my life to others. It sometimes happens when I see other people achieving amazing milestones and although I am genuinely happy for them and their accomplishments… I can’t help but compare myself to them. What’s crazy is that sometimes it’s not even something I even dream about accomplishing but I still wonder if that is what I should be doing. Then, as quickly as I can, I snap myself out of it. You see, comparing myself to other people is something I’ve always struggled with but luckily I have gotten better at understanding that everyone is on their own path/timelines and I’ve also come to learn that comparing yourself to someone else doesn’t always have to be a bad thing.

It doesn’t always have to be a bad thing if you’re wise about the way you do it. Comparing ourselves to other people can be a good thing in the way that you can be inspired, motivated, and guided by doing it. For instance, there have been times where I may stay in bed on my phone a little too long and then I see someone else getting their day started and that motivates me to get up and do the same. I’ll be the first one to say that “I can’t believe it took me seeing someone else getting their day started to actually get mine started” it can be annoying but some days that’s what it takes and that’s okay. I always want to remind you (and I apologize if it sounds harsh) that it is all about the mindset that you choose to have, you can either dwell on how it makes you feel or you can do something about it that can help you become better.

As previously mentioned, comparing ourselves to other people is in our human nature and without it we wouldn’t be the people we are today. We learn from others in how to be better individuals and in advancing any sort of technology. This is seen as evolving. Let’s take Henry Ford as an example, he did not invent the automobile. However, he did observe other individuals methods and from that got their accuracy and mistakes to come up with a better way to manufacturer vehicles. From that, other companies began to compare their successes to his and instead of giving up they began to implement better procedures to be as successful as Henry Ford. I don’t know why I decided to choose Henry Ford as an example but the point is that instead of thinking that comparing ourselves to others is a bad thing we should actually learn from others in order to evolve.

Comparing yourself to other people can be a bad thing when it starts bringing down your self-esteem, it can bring stress, and make you overlook all of the accomplishments that you’ve achieved. When you feel this starting to happen, take a deep breath and take some time to reflect on all the things you have accomplished. I know its easier said than done but in all seriousness reflecting on all the small steps and big steps you’ve taken can help remind you how much you are worth and that you are on the right path.

One phrase that my boyfriend taught me when we first began dating, that always helps me and I hope also helps you is: “with patience comes blessings”. So with that being said, be patient with your journey because blessings are on the horizon friend.

Wishing you a better mindset

With lots of love,

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