Every day we have the chance to change who we were before. We choose to change because we want life to look different than its current state. I believe that as long as you’re being true to yourself then it’s okay to change. Too often do I see people changing for the wrong reasons. Just do it for yourself.
The experiences that life brings upon us influence the way we speak and think but along the way if you decide you want anything to change, know that you have the power to do so. Even if people have a fixed mindset on who they think you “are”. you’re not the one telling them who you are, then they don’t have enough information to have an opinion in who you “are”. The only person who truly knows who you are, is yourself.
In your journey in becoming a better version of yourself, you may get in your own way. You may think to yourself, “well this is something I’ve never done before so I’m not going to do it because it feels a bit uncomfortable”. Don’t. Don’t think that way. Don’t get in your own way. If there is a piece inside of you that wants to try something new, try it.