There are many things to fear. There is the fear of failure, rejection, missing out, change, being judged, uncertainty, and of getting hurt. 

I believe that it is okay to feel the fear because it helps one accomplish things without putting ourselves in predicaments. However, I strongly believe that fear becomes a problem when we let it get in the way of achieving something amazing.

How do we stop fear from getting in our own way?
In my opinion, I believe we can stop fear from getting in our way through exposure, focusing on the things we can control, and positive thinking. When we expose ourselves to things that we fear and we overcome it successfully, it leads for us to gain more confidence from the experience. Each time we take on a challenge, its also important to remember to focus on the things you can control and to let go of the things that you cannot. We often let fear get in our way when we literally have no idea what will happen next. Although it is easier said than done, the next time that you are faced with fear I challenge you to think about the best possible outcome that can happen instead of the worse. Be patient with yourself and give yourself grace. Practice makes perfect.

Next time you catch yourself being fearful of what could possibly be a great opportunity... take a deep breathe, feel the fear, and do it anyways.

Good-luck bestie! 

"The only way out is through"
-Robert Frost

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