Today I finally decided to get back to running. As I mentioned on my instagram story, it was a terrible run! To be quite transparent with you, I had snot running down my nose, I felt like I could not control my breathing pattern, I felt like I could not sprint, and my form was probably terrible. Am I surprised? Honestly a little. I think it has only been three weeks since my last run but since then I have not been eating the healthiest and have not been moving my body as much as I should so that probably has a lot to do with it. What am I going to do next? Well, I plan to get back on the grind and start with my running journey again. The past few days, I kept thinking about going for a run but honestly never acted upon it because of fear of failure but I quickly realized that, that is completely inevitable unless I put in the time and work into it. So today on my run even though I felt a little bit of a failure for struggling on running one single mile, I am still proud of myself because I actually surpassed my running goal for the day. 

Why am I telling you this? 
Well because I hope it makes you realize that there's never going to be a perfect moment for you to start something that you let go of or that you want to try. You kind of just have to go for it, even if you feel insecure, anxious, and unprepared. The reality is that no matter what Day 1 is going to be tough. As it should be, because we are supposed to struggle. If we are not then that means that we are not trying enough. Not trying enough will never get you anywhere. So push yourself past your limits. Yes as time goes by it does get easier but that is when you need to keep pushing yourself.  I say this all the time but YOU ARE REALLY STRONGER THAN YOU THINK YOU ARE. And if you're ever last remember that although you should never settle down for being last place, finishing last is better than never starting. You can do anything. Good-luck! 

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