I was 14 years old when I first heard this quote from the movie 'ROCKY BALBOA'. I listened and it inspired me, but not at the level that it does now as an adult. When I was younger, most things were out of my control and when I became an adult it was time for me to get behind the wheel and decide how I wanted to live. I was very optimistic that the journey would be smooth sailing. (even when I had mentors telling me how tough it was going to be) I quickly realized how difficult reality actually was. I felt as if I would move one step forward and be pushed two steps back, like the goals that I had set for myself were so out of reach. I felt defeated. One day, I came across this quote again and it resonated with me. I decided to write it down on a note card and taped it in front of the mirror so that I could see it everyday when I woke up and got ready for the day. It encouraged me to keep fighting for what I wanted and to not blame other people for not being where I wanted to be. It helped me believe in myself and what I can become. It helped remind me that no matter how long it takes one step forward is ONE STEP FORWARD. I am sharing this with you because I hope you decide to keep moving forward too. No matter what obstacle life brings upon you, believe in yourself and persevere through it all and keep moving forward.