Hello cuties! 

It's been a few weeks since I wrote an entry. I wish I had an explanation as to why I have not written but frankly, I don't but... good news!! I'm trying again! 

Since my last entry, I have opened my shop up again and introduced 13 new stickers design, 4 new bookmarks design, 2 bracelet designs (my precious pearls and ribbon design), posted a youtube video, and I have attended 8 markets. In the last 8 markets, I have had some amazing experiences and some... not so great experiences. Regardless, I am so appreciative of it all because through it, I have been able to learn how to be better, meet some of you, and have been able to bring smiles to people. Last but not least, I have finally introduced my mascot, AJ!! (which has been so exciting!! EEEK!) All of my recent accomplishments make my heart feel warm and I'm excited what the future has to offer. 

I am so excited to start blogging again and start talking about topics that I am passionate about, my recent experiences, and express my thoughts. Through this, I hope to motivate and inspire others.

I hope you decide to stay for a while because there are exciting things to come. I will talk to you soon. For now, stay cool and spread love and kindness to everyone. 
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